Meaning of section 7 (5) of 1999 constitution

Meaning of section 7 (5) of 1999 constitution

What is the Meaning of section 7 subsection five of Nigeria 1999 constitution. In this article I will like to explain the Meaning of section 7 (5) of 1999 constitution

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Meaning of section 7 (5) of 1999 constitution

The section 7 subsection 5 of Nigeria 1999 constitution power of local government stated that

The functions to be conferred by Law upon local government council shall include those set out in the Fourth Schedule to this Constitution.


This legal text is stating that:

– The responsibilities and powers given to local government councils by law

– Will include the specific functions listed in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution

– Local government councils will have certain responsibilities and powers granted to them by law

– These responsibilities and powers are listed in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution

The Fourth Schedule likely outlines specific functions such as:

– Providing basic services like water, sanitation, and healthcare

– Maintaining law and order

– Collecting taxes and managing finances

– Overseeing education and healthcare facilities

– Regulating markets and trade


This provision aims to ensure that local government councils have the necessary powers and responsibilities to effectively govern and serve their communities.

This clause is stating that the functions and responsibilities that must be given to local government councils by law should include those that are laid out in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution.

In other words, the law must grant local government councils the specific set of functions and duties that are enumerated in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution.


The intent behind this seems to be:

1. To establish a clear and defined set of responsibilities and powers that must be conferred upon local government councils by law.

2. To ensure local councils have a standardized and consistent mandate across different states and regions, based on the functions outlined in the Fourth Schedule.

3. To prevent local government councils from being given an arbitrary or limited set of functions, and instead ensure they have a comprehensive and substantive role to play.

By tying the legal functions of local councils to the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution, this provision appears aimed at creating a baseline of responsibilities that must be respected, rather than leaving it up to the discretion of individual state governments.

The goal seems to be strengthening and empowering local government councils by giving them a clear and robust set of functions, as specified in the higher-level constitutional framework.


Here is the breakdown:

Local governments must handle certain tasks. These tasks are listed in the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution.

State governments can also give local governments additional responsibilities on top of what’s in the Fourth Schedule.

So, the Fourth Schedule acts as a foundation for what local governments are in charge of, but each state can add more to their local governments’ plates

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