Meaning of section 3 (2) of 1999 constitution

Meaning of section 3 (2) of 1999 constitution

What is the Meaning of section 3 subsection two of 1999 constitution. In this article I will like to explain the Meaning of section 3 (2) of 1999 constitution

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Meaning of section 3 (2) of 1999 constitution

The section 3 subsection 2 of 1999 state that

Each State of Nigeria named in the first column of Part I of the First Schedule to this Constitution shall consist of the area shown opposite thereto in the second column of that Schedule

Each State of Nigeria named in the section 3 subsction 1

1 This refers to a list in the Schedule that names all the Nigerian states.

2 shall consist of the area shown opposite thereto in the section 3(1)

3 This means the same list also specifies the area of each state, listed right next to the state name.

Think of it like a map book that shows the boundaries of each state. The Schedule is like a written version of that map book, listing each state and its corresponding area.

Geographic Boundaries of States:

1 Each of the 36 states of Nigeria, as listed earlier, has a defined geographic area or territory that makes up that particular state.

2 These geographic boundaries and areas for each state are outlined in a schedule (or appendix) to the Nigerian constitution.

3 First section of Part I of the First Schedule” refers to the list of states (names of 36 States)

First Schedule of the Constitution:

1 The “First Schedule” refers to a specific part of the Nigerian constitution that provides the details about the states and their geographic areas.

2 This schedule is divided into two columns – the first column lists the names of the 36 states, and the second column specifies the geographic area or territory that makes up each state.

3 Second section refers to the area or boundaries of each state (like a of descriptions of states)

 Consistency with Constitution:

1 By stating that each state “shall consist of the area shown opposite thereto in the second column”, the statement is affirming that the geographic boundaries of the states are officially defined and enshrined in the constitution.

2 This ensures consistency and clarity around the territorial extent of each state within the overall federal structure of Nigeria.

3 Shown opposite thereto” means that the area or boundaries of each state are listed directly across from the state’s name in the table

It’s a way of legally defining the geographic extent of each state, kind of like how a map shows the borders of a country or state.

This is referring to the delineation of the geographic boundaries and areas that make up each of the 36 states of Nigeria.

This Constitution is saying that the geographic boundaries and areas that make up each of the 36 states of Nigeria are officially defined and outlined in a specific schedule (or appendix) to the Nigerian constitution. The constitution serves as the authoritative source for determining the exact territorial limits of each state within the country.

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