Law of public order and security

Law of public order and security

This article will explain law of public order and security according to 1999 constitution

What section 11 subsection 1 of 1999 constitution say about public order and security

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Law of Public order and security

According to section 11 subsection 1 of Nigeria 1999 constitution State that

The National Assembly may make laws for the Federation or any part thereof with respect to the maintenance and securing of public safety and public order and providing, maintaining and securing of such supplies and services as may be designated by the National Assembly as essential supplies and services 

Law of public order and security

National Assembly’s Power to Ensure Public Safety and Essential Services

This law gives the National Assembly the authority to make laws for the entire country or specific parts of it, focusing on:

1 Public Safety: Laws to protect citizens from harm, injury, or danger

2 Keeping people safe: This includes protecting citizens from crime, violence, and other threats

3 Maintaining peace: This means ensuring there is order and stability in the country

4 Public Order: Laws to maintain peace, stability, and security in society

5 Essential Supplies and Services: Laws to ensure the continuous provision of crucial goods and services, such as:Food and water,Healthcare,Electricity,Transportation and Communication.This allows the National Assembly to decide what things are important for everyday life (like food, water, electricity, healthcare) and to make laws to protect and provide them


The National Assembly has the power to create laws that:

Keep citizens safe and secure

Maintain social order and stability

Guarantee access to essential goods and services

In other words, the National Assembly can pass legislation to:

Ensure the safety and order of the general public across the country or in specific regions

Regulate and manage the provision, supply, and delivery of goods and services that are deemed essential for the public welfare

The intent behind granting these powers to the National Assembly is to:

1 Empower the federal government to address issues of public safety and order that may span across state or regional boundaries

2 Allow the National Assembly to identify and safeguard the supply and distribution of critical resources and services that are vital for the country’s well-being

3 Provide the federal legislature with the necessary legal tools to respond to emergencies, crises, or disruptions that may impact public safety or the provision of essential goods and services

By conferring these broad powers to the National Assembly, the law aims to enable the federal government to take coordinated, nationwide action to maintain public order, safety, and the reliable delivery of crucial supplies and services across the country

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