The 2007 Taraba house of representatives election the election the election was held on April 14 2007
You can also read 2003 Taraba house of representatives election
2007 Taraba house of representatives election results
In 2007 Taraba state federal house of representatives election there are 6 elected members in the election al won in the same party, party people democratic party PDP
Hon. Kabiru Jalo Reprensented Bali/Gassol constituency, Hon. Albert Taminu Sam-Tsokwa represented Dongo/Ussa/Takum constituency, Hon, Ishaika Moh’d Bawa represented Ibi/Wukari constituency, Hon. Henry M. Shawulu represented Jalingo/Yorro/ZIng constituency, Hon.Jerimon S. Manwe represented Lau/K/Lamido/Ardo-Kola constituency, Hon. Babangida S. M. Nguroje represented Gashaka/Kurmi/Sarduana constituency all won on the party of Peoples Democratic party PDP